Today’s parish church of St. Mary Magdalene in Donja Kupčina is connected with one story about its construction that was passed by word of mouth. At the time of the construction of today’s parish church of St. Mary Magdalene, the area of Donja Kupčina and nearby Steničnjak was ruled by the count Drašković family. The beginnings of the construction of the parish church go back to the time when the said area was ruled by the countess Mary Magdalene Drašković.
The parish church of St. Mary Magdalene is entirely built of stone. It is assumed that the stone used for the construction of the church is the already worked stone from Steničnjak. In the winter, when the Kupa River would become icy, they knew how to transport the stone over a river with a carriage. According to one legend, builders were often accompanied by one black dog. Local legend says that when the last loaded carriage passed over the Kupa river, the ice began to crack and that black dog drowned. The builders interpreted this as a sign of enough stones to build a church, which proved to be correct.
Another interesting word of mouth story relates to the place where the parish church was built. The population then decided that the parish church should be built in the center of the village, which according to the rules should have been on the site of today’s Konječićko Selo. When the masters brought stones to build the church, after the first day a miracle happened.
The stones that were delivered to the defined place disappeared overnight and appeared on the site of the present-day parish church in Donja Kupčina. The next day, the builders continued to bring stones to today’s Konječićko Selo, but every night these stones would mysteriously disappear and appear in Donja Kupčina. The population at the time interpreted this as God’s will to build a church where there are more stones, and so the place to build the parish church of St. Mary Magdalene remained Donja Kupčina, and that is the place where the church is today.